Oral communications presenter
- Frequency and prognostic significance of fluid-fluid levels and fat-like signal intensity in primary aneurysmal bone cyst. SBR, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2000
- Validation des stades radiologiques de développement des kystes anévrysmaux, JFR, Paris, October 2000
- Analyse du contenu des kystes anévrysmaux en IRM et corrélation aux phases évolutives, JFR, Paris, October 2000
- Analyse du contenu des kystes anévrysmaux en IRM et corrélation aux phases évolutives, Séminaire radio-chirurgical, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, October 2000
- Intérêt du scanner multicoupe en pathologie ostéo-articulaire. Séance académique: le CT Scanner spiralé multicoupe, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, November 2000
- Votre polytrauma en un clin d’œil: intérêt de la prise en charge du polytraumatisé au scanner multibarettes, AMUB, Hôpital St Pierre, Brussels, Belgium, January 2002
- Fluoro-CT: Imagerie interventionnelle en temps réel. Matinée d ‘Imagerie Interventionnelle Thérapeutique Péri-rachidienne, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, June 2002
- Infiltration péridurale sous fluoro-CT. Matinée d ‘Imagerie Interventionnelle Thérapeutique Péri-rachidienne, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, June 2002
- Nucléotomie percutanée au laser: indications, technique et bénéfices. Matinée d ‘Imagerie Interventionnelle Thérapeutique Péri-rachidienne, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, June 2002
- Infiltration péridurale ou périradiculaire? Congrès de Tomodensitométrie Interventionnelle, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, May 2003
- Nucléotomie percutanée au laser: indications, technique et bénéfices. Congrès de Tomodensitométrie Interventionnelle, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, May 2003
- Evaluation prospective de l’imagerie des protrusions discales après nucléotomie percutanée au laser: résultats préliminaires (communication orale + poster). JFR, Paris, France, October 2003
- Nucléotomie percutanée par laser sous guidage CT: évaluation prospective clinique (communication orale + poster). JFR, Paris, France, October 2003
- Intérêt de la fluoroscopie multicoupe sous CT dans le traitement des conflits disco- radiculaires par nucléotomie percutanée au laser (communication orale + poster). JFR, Paris, France, October 2003
- CT guided percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD): prospective clinical evaluation, IALMS (International Academy of Laser in Medicine and Surgery), Florence, Italy, November 2003
- Changes in disc hernias after percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD): MR imaging, IALMS (International Academy of Laser in Medicine and Surgery), Florence, Italy, November 2003
- Benefits of multislice fluoro-CT needle guidance in percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD), IALMS (International Academy of Laser in Medicine and Surgery), Florence, Italy, November 2003
- CT guided percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD): prospective clinical evaluation, RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2003
- Le coronaro-CT. Séance académique: Imagerie Coronaire Non Invasive, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, February 2004
- Tomodensitométrie interventionnelle: équipement et technique, Congrès du Pont d’Oye, Belgium, May 2004
- Tomodensitométrie interventionnelle: infiltrations péridurales et périradiculaires, Congrès du Pont d’Oye, Belgium, May 2004
- Tomodensitométrie interventionnelle: Neurolyses et infiltrations périvertébrales, Congrès du Pont d’Oye, Belgium, May 2004
- Traitement percutané des hernies discales par laser sous fluoro-CT. Radiologie Interventionnelle, Nouveautés thérapeutiques en CHU Tivoli, Belgium, February 2005
- Vertébroplastie sous fluoro-ct. Congrès de l’AMUB, CHU Ambroise Paré, Mons, Belgium, April 2005
- Vertébroplastie avec guidage volumique sous fluoro-CT: précision, sécurité, rapidité et efficacité clinique. Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, October 2005
- CT Fluoroscopy-guided Percutaneous Thoracic Sympathectomy for Primary Palmar Hyperhidrosis: A Minimally Invasive Approach – Prospective Study on 50 Consecutive Patients (103 Procedures), RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2005
- Postosteosynthetic Percutaneous Vertebroplasty For Unstable Burst Fractures: Prospective Evaluation on 9 Consecutive Patients), RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2005
- Imagerie Interventionnelle péri-rachidienne, Inauguration de la Clinique du dos Axis, Hornu, Belgium, June 2007
- Comment je fais de la radiologie interventionnelle, SIMS-GEL, Montreal, February 2008
- Percutaneous Disc Decompression, CIRSE, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2008
- Imagerie Interventionnelle sous CT fluoroscopie, 5èmes Journées Francophones d’Imagerie Cardiaque et Vasculaire, Lille, France, June 2009
- Percutaneous treatment of disc hernia, CIRSE, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2009
- Advanced procedures in CT-fluoroscopy, ISRA, Eilat, Israel, October 2009
- Imagerie de la Polyarthrite rhumatoïde et des spondylarthropathies, Mise au point des pathologies rhumatologiques, CHHF, Hornu, Belgium, September 2010
- Spine Muscles Anatomy, Belgian Back Society, Brussels, December 2010
- Percutaneous radiofrequency treatment of facet joint syndrome, Arab Radiology Congress, Beirut, Lebanon, April 2011
- CT guided nucleoplasty for herniated discs, Arab Radiology Congress, Beirut, Lebanon, April 2011
- Imaging evolution of Aperius® percutaenous interspinous spacer correlated to clinical outcome in a 1 year / 5 time points single arm multicentric prospective study on 157 patients. CIRSE, Munich, Germany, September 2011
- Imaging evolution of Aperius® percutaenous interspinous spacer correlated to clinical outcome in a 1 year / 5 time points single arm multicentric prospective study on 157 patients. RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2011
- Evidence-based levels, guidelines and recommendations in interventional spine treatments according to clinical diagnosis, ECR, Vienna, 2016
- Prospective multicenter study on DRLs comparison according to clinical indication and anatomical region: preliminary results, RSNA, Chicago, 2016
- Optimisation dosimétrique multicentrique en scanner: stratégie et résultats, CT Dose management, Bordeaux, 2017
- Modic FIMM International Spine Conference, Utrecht, 2017
- Multicenter CT protocols harmonization according to clinical indication and anatomical region for DRLs comparison: Results of a prospective study. ICRP, Paris, 2017
- Optimisation dosimétrique multicentrique en scanner : stratégie et résultats, CT Dose management, JFR, Paris, 2017
- Multicenter implementation of a CT scanner dose excellence program based on clinical indication, BMI and diagnostic image quality assessment. RSNA, Chicago 2017
- Comparison of clinical and phantom image quality for low contrast liver lesions in a prospective multicenter CT scanner dose optimization program, RSNA, Chicago, 2017.
- Structured standardized reports: clarity, accuracy, reproducibility and ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Multicenter implementation of a CT scanner dose excellence program based on clinical indication, BMI and diagnostic image quality assessment. ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Multicentre CT scanner dose excellence program: strategies and ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Radiation dose impact of indication- and BMI-based CT protocols vs anatomy-based protocols: prospective multicentre study. ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Comparison of clinical and phantom image quality for low-contrast liver lesions in a prospective multicentre dose optimisation protocol. ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Comparison of clinical and phantom image quality for low contrast liver lesion in a prospective multicenter CT scanner dose optimization MICR, Baltimore, 2018
- Contrast volume reduction related to image quality for abdomen CT examinations, using measured lean body Preliminary results of a prospective multicentric study. RSNA, Chicago 2018
- Scanner interventionnel 3D, GE KOL Seminar, Paris, France
- Optimisation des protocoles scanner, GE KOL Seminar, Paris, France
- Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels for CT examinations: a prospective multicenter study. ECR, Vienna, 2019
- Robustness of local clinical DRLs for CT scanner in a multicentre setting compared to the new Swiss national DRLs. ECR, Vienna, 2019
- Intelligence artificielle en radiologie, Chambre de commerce France-Suisse, Bern, 2019
- Medical Imaging in 2050, Satellite symposium RSNA, 2019
- The value of repositories for the establishment and use of DRLs, EUCLID workshop “Best practices for the establishment and use of DRLs”, Luxembourg, 2019
- Implementation of clinical DRLs in practice, ESR Webinar, 2020
- Innovation review, CT Lunch Symposium Webinar, RSNA, 2020
- Low contrast liver lesion detectability and image texture: comparison between filtered back projection, iterative and deep learning algorithms, RSNA 2020
- Appropriateness of size-specific dose estimates or CTDIvol as metric for clinical diagnostic reference levels: a study in adult chest and abdomen CT examinations, RSNA 2020
- Minimizing patient-to-patient liver enhancement variability while personalizing iodine load delivery: a multicenter multivendor study, RSNA 2020
- True Fidelity, True revolution, CT Lunch Symposium online webinar, 2021
- Low contrast liver lesion detectability and image texture: comparison between filtered back projection, iterative and deep learning algorithms, ECR 2021
- Optimized liver parenchymal enhancement with minimal contrast agent dose, ECR 2021
- Your well-being on the go, ECR 2021
- From standardized to patient-specific care, a closer look at dose and contrast in CT, Online webinar, 2021
- AI-driven disruptive CT imaging, Online webinar, 2021
- Gestion de la dose au CT, urilisation pratique de Dosewatch, Séminaire IRA, 2021
- Deep learning reconstructions in CT, GE lunch symposium, 2021
- Impact of technology on local clinical diagnostic reference levels in MDCT, RSNA 2021
- Personalized iodine contrast algorithm: enabling optimal and reproduceable liver enhancement, RSNA 2021
- DRLs based on clinical indication : the right dose for the right diagnosis, European Society of Radiology online webinar, January 2022
- La conduite du changement, Cesegh, 2022
- Les qualités du leader, Cesegh, 2022
- Revolution Frontier, online web symposium, 2022
- The pathway of introduction, usage, and quality assurance of AI applications in a multicenter radiology network, Eusomii, 2022
- Local clinical DRLs: a ten steps methodology, ECMP, 2022
- Radio-oncogenic impact after 7 years of CT dose optimization, online webinar, 2022
- Digital Expert today and tomorrow, Lunch Symposium Webinar, RSNA, 2022
- RevCom keynote, RSNA 2022
- Monitoring performance of AI algorithms: a quality assurance experience in a multicenter setting, RSNA 2022
Oral communications (2nd and last author)
- Irradiation et tomodensitométrie interventionnelle, Bouziane, H. Brat. Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, October 2005
- Cimentoplastie des fractures vertébrales synthésées. Bouziane, H. Brat. Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, October 2005
- Infiltrations cervico-faciales. Bouziane, H. Brat. Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris, France, October 2007
- Collaborative development of automatic diagnostic application for meniscus lesions characterization in knee MR examinations, JFR, Paris, France, October 2019
- Automatic diagnostic application for meniscus lesions characterization in knee MR examinations, Eusomi, Valencia, October 2019
- Comparison study between published contrast administration protocols for enhances liver CT examinations in adults, ECR, Vienna, March 2020
- Automating Quality Control for Standardized Structured Radiology Reports Using Text Analysis, ECR, Vienna, March 2020
- Optimisation de la surveillance dosimétrique d’un réseau radiologique par personnalisation des niveaux de référence, Paris, Octobre 2020
- Impact of Deep Learning reconstruction on low contrast liver lesion detectability, RSNA 2022
- Collaborative development of automatic diagnostic application for meniscus lesions characterization in knee MR examinations, Eusomii, 2022
- Personalized iodine contrast media injection in CT, ECR 2022
- CT or MR: Time to choose, Brussels, Belgium, 2007
- Radiation protection in percutaneous CT guided interventions, CIRSE, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2008
- Updates in musculoskeletal ultrasound, Sion, Switzerland, 2016
- Collaboration for clinical Optimization, Expert panel discussion, RSNA, Chicago, 2016
- AI in Radiology: present and perspectives, RSNA, Chicago, 2018
- Influence of AI in medical imaging, Bern, March 2019
- Best practices for the establishment and use of DRLs, Luxembourg, 2019