- Intérêt de la fluoroscopie multicoupe sous CT dans le traitement des conflits disco- radiculaires par nucléotomie percutanée au laser (poster). JFR, Paris, France, October 2003
- Nucléotomie percutanée par laser sous guidage CT: évaluation prospective clinique. JFR, Paris, France, October 2003
- Evaluation prospective de l’imagerie des protrusions discales après nucléotomie percutanée au laser: résultats préliminaires. JFR, Paris, France, October 2003
- CT guided therapeutic spine interventions, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2005
- Vertebroplasty with volumetric CT guidance: speed, precision and clinical efficacy, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2005
- Benefits of triple slice CT fluoroscopic needle guidance in percutaneous laser disc decompression, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2005
- Changes in disc herniations after CT guided percutaneous laser disc decompression (PLDD), European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2005
- Cimentoplastie des fractures vertébrales synthésées. T. Bouziane, H. Brat. JFR, Paris, France, October 2005
- Vertébroplastie avec guidage volumique sous fluoro-CT: précision, sécurité, rapidité et efficacité clinique. JFR, Paris, France, October 2005
- Imagerie Interventionnelle du Rachis, une alternative à la chirurgie, T. Bouziane, H. Brat. JFR, Paris, France, October 2005
- Physician radiation protection during CT-Fluoroscopy guided interventions. Prospective bicentric study on 160 patients. CIRSE, Athens, Greece, September 2007
- Volumetric real-time CT fluoroscopy-guided vertebroplasty, CIRSE, Athens, Greece, September 2007
- CT fluoroscopy guided therapeutic spine interventions: offline tutorial, CIRSE, Athens, Greece, September 2007
- Thoracic Neurolysis for palmar hyperhydrosis, International Congress of Radiology, Marrakech, Marocco, June 2008
- Epidural or not epidural infiltration, CIRSE, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2008
- PLDD (Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression): a tutorial, CIRSE, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2008
- Radiation protection in CT-Fluoroscopy. Prospective bicentric study on 160 patients. RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2008
- Spinal Imaging evolution after placement of an Aperius® percutaneous interspinous spacer using a positional MRI in 17 patients. CIRSE, Munich, Germany, September 2011
- Imaging of Aperius percutaneous spacer: what should you look at? CIRSE, Munich, Germany, September 2011
- Chaines musculaires pelvi-rachidiennes. JFR, Paris, France, October 2011
- Evolution de l’imagerie positionnelle lombaire après placement d’un dispositif interépineux chez 17 patients. JFR, Paris, France, October 2011
- Imagerie du dispositif interépineux Aperius : tutorat. JFR, Paris, France, October 2011
- Imaging evolution of Aperius® percutaenous interspinous spacer correlated to clinical outcome in a 1 year / 5 time points single arm multicentric prospective study on 157 patients. RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2011
- Chaines musculaires pelvi-rachidiennes. Clinique du dos AXIS, CHHF, February 2012
- Imagerie du dispositif interépineux Aperius. Clinique du dos AXIS, CHHF, March 2012
- Top 5 craniocervical pain clinical diagnosis: evidence-based interventional management. Swiss Congress of Radiology, Zermatt, 2016
- Top 5 lumbosacral pain clinical diagnosis: evidence-based interventional management. Swiss Congress of Radiology, Zermatt, 2016
- Top 10 spine-related pain clinical diagnosis, CIRSE, Barcelona, 2016
- Traitement de la douleur d’origine rachidienne: algorithmes, niveaux de preuve et recommandations, JFR, Paris, 2016
- Spine-related interventional pain treatments: an update of evidence-based levels, guidelines and recommendations, IASP World congress on pain, Yokohama, 2016
- Prospective multicenter study on DRLs comparison according to clinical indication and anatomical region: intermediate results, ECR, Vienna, 2017
- Indication based CT: the right dose for the right diagnosis. Prospective multicenter study. Swiss Congress of Radiology, Bern, 2017
- Structured standardized reports: clarity, accuracy, reproducibility and quality. ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Multicenter implementation of a CT scanner dose excellence program based on clinical indication, BMI and diagnostic image quality assessment. Eurosafe Imaging. ECR, Vienna, 2018
- Contrast volume reduction related to image quality for abdomen CT examinations, using measured lean body weight. Preliminary results of a prospective multicentric study. RSNA, Chicago 2018
- Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels for CT examinations: a prospective multicenter study. ECR, Vienna, 2019
- Robustness of local clinical DRLs for CT scanner in a multicentre setting compared to the new Swiss national DRLs. ECR, Vienna, 2019
- Influence of BMI on clinical DRLs for CT examinations: a prospective multicenter study after protocol harmonization and optimization. ECR, Vienna, 2019
- Methodology to determine clinical DRLs in a multicentre setting: must-haves and pitfalls. ECR, Vienna, 2019
- Optimisation du volume de produit de contraste intraveineux en utilisant la masse maigre du patient. JFR, Paris, 2019
- Impact de l’IMC sur les NRD dans les protocoles tomodensitométriques par indication clinique. JFR, Paris, 2019
- Size-based clinical DRLs in chest and abdomen examinations: comparison between SSDE and CTDIvol metrics, ECR, Vienna, 2020
- Generalizability and validation assessments of anterior cruciate ligament localizer and tear detector AI-models, ECR, Vienna, 2020
- Low contrast liver lesion detectability and image texture: comparison between filtered back projection, iterative and deep learning algorithms, RSNA, Chicago, 2020
- Appropriateness of size-specific dose estimates or CTDIvol as metric for clinical diagnostic reference levels: a study in adult chest and abdomen CT examinations, RSNA, Chicago, 2020
- Liver enhancement optimization and reproducibility according to fat free mass, iodine concentration and kV: a prospective multicenter / multivendor study, RSNA, Chicago, 2020
- Your well being on the go, ECR, Vienna, 2021
- Optimized liver parenchymal enhancement with minimal contrast agent dose, ECR, Vienna, 2021
- The effect of deep learning reconstruction on image quality in focal liver lesion detection : a phantom study, ECR, Vienna, 2021
Education Exhibit
- Therapeutic Spine Interventions, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2005
- CT-guided therapeutic spine interventions, RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2005
- Tips & Tricks in CT Fluoroscopy spine interventions, RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2006
- CT fluoroscopy guided percutaneous laser disc decompression, RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2006
- CT On-line webteaching, RSNA, Chicago, USA, December 2006
- Facet joint syndrome: the role of the radiologist, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Mars 2014
- Facet joint syndrome: from diagnosis to treatment, CIRSE, Munich, Germany, 2014
- Le syndrome facettaire, du diagnostic au traitement par le radiologue, JFR, France 2014
- Facet joint syndrome: a comprehensive approach, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2014
- Evidence-based levels, guidelines and recommendations in interventional spine treatments according to clinical diagnosis, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2015
- Evidence-based levels, guidelines and recommendations in interventional spine treatments according to clinical diagnosis, ECR, Vienna, 2016
Quality Storyboard
- Multicenter implementation of a CT scanner dose excellence program based on clinical indication, BMI and diagnostic image quality assessment. RSNA, Chicago 2017
- Minimizing patient-to-patient liver enhancement variability while personalizing iodine load delivery: a multicenter multivendor study. RSNA, Chicago 2020